FeaturesWhat is this ?How to install the product ?How it is working ?What is the project ?What is the Project Editor mode ?1- Project Pages and Templates2- Page Rows3- Page Componnents- How to Create a componnent4- Project Settings- Project Sass file5- Share Project to Other user6- Current Elements7- Save Page8- Preview Page9- Download ProjectHow to switch between elements ?How to switch between rows ?How to add elment to row ?Tutorials and Examples

Create your frontend code quickly with our simple tools


What is this ?

Booststrap 4 Generator helps you make your frontend coding easier without needing to be an expert in JavaScript, HTML5 or CSS3, Insert and customize components then preview , generate and download the complete final code as HTML/Bootstrap 5. Also You can provide this script for your users with sharing the project with each other.

How to install the product ?

PHP ≥ 7.2
OpenSSL PHP Extension
PDO PHP Extension
Mbstring PHP Extension

How it is working ?

After you can login as a User. You can do the following:
If login as an Administrator User. You can do more as the following:

What is the project ?

The Project is the main content of pages for example a website or application. You can Find the list of your project or shared project with you on the dashboard of the application.
- You can create new project by Clicking the 'Create a project' button on the dashboard and type the project name and save it.
- Once the data has been saved to database it's redirect to the Project Editor mode to get start adding pages and componnents.
- Also You can delete the whole project from dashboard by clicking the trash icon on the right of the project row.
- You can Enter the project Editor mode by clicking the eye icon on the right of the project row.

What is the Project Editor mode ?

The Project Editor mode is the Full Project controller of pages, rows, components, Sass, css and generator.

1- Project Pages and Templates

The main project Contents and contents of 3 types:
What The icons do ?

2- Page Rows

The main rows on current page/template that will contain the components later, contents 2 tag names:
Also each row has 8 types:

3- Page Componnents

Components is the elements and contents of the page

- How to Create a componnent

4- Project Settings

Edit Current project name and sass file

- Project Sass file

By this tool you can add Sass or css for the project as you want also you can update project name. Don't forget to click save project button

5- Share Project to Other user

Click the share icon on the left tools, you will find a list of users that has access to the current project and you can add or revoke the share for each user.

6- Current Elements

It's a list of all added componnents and elements that has been added to the current page. divaided with rows according to rows list.
Click on the element listed to open the componnent propreties

7- Save Page

This Icon appear after any changes on the page (it's save the current page only not the whole project)

8- Preview Page

This tool allow you to preview the current page in a html file on your browser

9- Download Project

This tool allow you to generate the project and download it with all contents as a zip file.

How to switch between elements ?

By open current elements tool and switch between each element by drag and dorp:

How to switch between rows ?

By open the rows tool and switch between them by drag and drop

How to add elment to row ?

By open any propreties for the target element and choose the row in the bottom of the proprites box

Tutorials and Examples

You can find videos about the application on this playlist on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBGL1qsF3ZG29YVkT8CM4QyH9nOSx7U7e